Realism — Make your games feel more immersive!


I can’t download it on my mac? Why there is no free model version?? I am using mac.

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"Alternatively, you can drag and drop the Realism.rbxm file distributed in this project’s Releases page into your game. Just make sure the RealismServer and RealismClient scripts are placed in their appropriate locations so they only execute once upon the game starting.

I recommend placing RealismServer into the ServerScriptService, and RealismClient under StarterPlayer/StarterPlayerScripts!"


How could I enable and disable this at will? For things like cutscenes the player will always be looking at the camera, and looks quite stupid sometimes.

Update: I made a budget solution on ~ line 300;

if dirty or name:sub(1, 4) == "Left" then
	local rot = origin - origin.Position
	local cf = CFrame.Angles(0, fPitch, 0) * CFrame.Angles(fYaw, 0, 0)
	if owner:GetAttribute("Realism") == true then
		motor.C0 = origin * rot:Inverse() * cf * rot
		motor.C0 = origin * rot:Inverse() * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0) * rot

The most recent version appears to be causing the player character to frequently make sudden, seizure-like movements.

Reverting that line to how it was in the previous version appears to fix the problem for me.

-- Current implementation
local pan = 5 / (delta * 60)
-- Previous implementation
local pan = math.min(4, 4 / (delta * 10))

Toolbox release using R6, your character’s left arm doesn’t move with the right arm.

I would send a video, but it gave me an error while uploading


Sorry for the late reply, I made this patch to try and fix the interpolation while using an unlocked framerate and everything seemed to be fine.

Do you have a repro for the seizure movement?

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Actually that problem only happen due lag and poor roblox physics system

This is really cool! Im just gonna use this on my test game only, thanks :+1:t2:

This has existed for a long time. Why hasn’t this been fixed yet?
If anyone knows a way to fix it I’d heavily appreciate it.

You should figure out Roblox’s facial animation thing for this.

Also, been about a year and this was never answered… lol.

I feel like a nice update to this would make it so its easier to add walking sounds using Attributes, in order to add a bit more sounds to the walking cycles. For example you could have 3 types of wood, and all of them would make different sounds!

you can set that yourself in the code, by using math.random and updating it every… seconds

or if you wanted to change it everytime the material is touched again after the touch with it ended, then that’s a whole new story but its still easy

i mean yeah, i know that, im just saying that this is a module that could really benefit from the Attribute system

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lol ye, it’s kinda getting outdated and it should have events to disable and enable it and more things tbh

I’m still getting weird jerky/‘seizure’ movement, I don’t have repro steps except walking randomly. Not sure what causes it but I’m 100% sure it’s from the Realism script, when it’s disabled I don’t have any weird jerky movements.

It’s not a huge game-breaking bug, but it’d be nice if there was a way to fix it. Anyways, I managed to capture a second of it in this GIF, it can be seen near the end of it.

It doesn’t happen often, but maybe once or twice every minute? Sometimes it’s hard to notice.


This guy fixed this.
Try to use his method.


I tried this and it still seems to jitter randomly.

He says he has fixed it.
Might be new update soon

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i’m getting this weird movement when i playtest the game this framework is on, it’s odd
could you look into this? not sure what’s causing it