"Realistic" Armor Calculations

The source was originally scrapped from one of my old unfinished projects.
I decided to upload it since one of my friends asked me for the armor calculations i did so i wanted to share it with everyone.

This source is not for further updates as i’m just sharing the calculations i used, you can always share your ideas and changes in the replies.

Video Example

shotgun had very low penetrationlevel and power

Basic Armor Properties

  • ArmorLevel (1 to 6, the higher the stronger armor is)
  • Destructubility (from 0 to 1, the higher the weaker armor will be) (basically how easy to lower the armor’s durability)
  • Durability (from 0 to 1, the higher the more stable armor is) (1 = unbreakable)
  • MaxDurability (says for itself)

Bullet Properties

  • PenetrationLevel (same as ArmorLevel) (for example if bullet and armor are the same level it will have 50% chance to penetrate BUT without the PenetrationPower)

  • PenetrationPower (bullet’s level’s power for armor penetration, for more precise calculations) (from 1 to 100, the higher number the easier for bullet to penetrate)

  • BulletForce (how strong the bullet is, the higher the more damage bullet does if it didn’t penetrate the armor) (from 1 to inf)

  • BulletDamage (says for itself, will be used to hit unarmored or when penetrated target)

Calculations Part

1. Calculating damage armor will take

ArmorDamage = Destructibility * PenetrationPower / 100

DurabilityToSet = Durability - ArmorDamage

EffectiveDurability = Durability / Destructibility - Actual armor’s durability based on both factors

2. Calculating penetration

PenetrateCalculation = PenetrationLevel * PenetrationLevel

PenetrationChance = PenetrateCalculation / ArmorLevel / Durability * PenetrationPower / ArmorLevel

CanPenetrate = math.random(PenetrateCalculation, CurrentDurability * 100)

3. Applying calculations

This script was cut from the module i used for armor calculations

DurabilityToSet = Durability - ArmorDamage
if CanPenetrate <= PenetrationChance or PenetrationChance >= CurrentDurability * 100 then
	local multipliedDamage = BulletDamage -- there was supposed to be a multiplier
	local PenetrationPhysicalDamage

	if PenetrationPhysicalDamage then
		if EffectiveDurability < 1 then
			PenetrationPhysicalDamage = multipliedDamage * EffectiveDurability
		elseif EffectiveDurability >= 1 then
			PenetrationPhysicalDamage = multipliedDamage / EffectiveDurability

	DurabilityToSet = Durability - ArmorDamage + PenetrationPhysicalDamage / 100
	DamageToTake = PenetrationPhysicalDamage
	local Damage
	if BulletForce ~= nil then
		print("Using BulletForce to damage")
		if EffectiveDurability < 1 then
			Damage = BulletForce * EffectiveDurability
			Damage = BulletForce / EffectiveDurability

		print("Using PenetrationPower")
		if EffectiveDurability < 1 then
			Damage = PenetrationPower * EffectiveDurability
			Damage = PenetrationPower / EffectiveDurability
	DamageToTake = Damage
armorHit:SetAttribute("Durability", DurabilityToSet)
if armorHit:GetAttribute("Durability") <= 0 then
      armorHit:SetAttribute("Durability", 0)

The script itself is pretty flexible so you can also use additional calculations like Distance and DamageMultiplier based on body part (e.g. head = x2 damage)

  • Distance:

DamageToTake = math.clamp((Damage/(math.clamp(distance/MaxDamageRange,1,6))),MinDamage,Damage)

  • Multiplying damage

WeaponDamage * multipliers[realHitPart.Name]

How do you find this for you?
  • Useful
  • Useless

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