Realistic Footsteps System

For a few days now I’ve been working with the uglyburger0 module, I’ve been changing it to my liking and I’ve implemented several things.

    1. Jump sound effects
    1. Land sound effects
    1. Wander sound effects

Everything is detected with Raycast, to try to make it as accurate as possible
Each material has its own sounds, with a few exceptions

  1. I want to implement that every time the player takes a step makes the sound, literally a step, super accurate, I just don’t know how to do it, someone helps me?

  2. More sounds

If you have any ideas, let me know

What do you think

  • It’s very good
  • Still has some work to do
  • I didn’t like it

0 voters


You could do that by either checking for collisions of the players foot OR by using maths and checking when the animation places it’s foot down.


Looks pretty good!


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I want this to be released now.

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This should become open-sourced.

I would definitely use this for my DayZ inspired game. Very realistic, and if you plan to add this:

It would be one of the best on Roblox.


This realistic footstep system looks VERY GOOD! Great job on it! The best part of it is the camera shaking and effects! How long did this take to create? It looks very nice! Will you use this in anything?

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I’ve been working on a real-time sound physics engine, it would be very cool to combine your procedural footsteps w my sound physics engine, i.e walking inside a cathedral or something.


So good. Will it be released for use?


Currently I don’t plan to release it, first, I want to try to optimize it, add more sounds, etc. I will keep updating it


It would be great, contact me and tell me what it is, and let’s see what we can do with it.

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I’ve been working with him for 5 days, 1 hour a day. Right now I don’t plan on releasing it and I will continue to update it, to optimize it, add new mechanics, etc

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this module looks awesome! :hearts: :hearts:

I think it’s great I’m not sure what else can be added to make it better but yeah.
Good work!