Realistic Forest Scene - Feedback needed

Hello, I need some feedback on this funny forest scene i made in one day.

I made it mainly to see how realistic can a Roblox experience get (but i guess you can create something more realistic than that).


It looks pretty realistic but there is always something that you can improve.

These are some issues that I know about:
The main problem is optimization. I created the terrain (and pretty much everything else) using photoscan assets which are pretty dense. Most of the meshes are high poly and only far trees are low poly which does create some lag. A decent PC can probably run it at around 30-60 fps at max graphics. Good luck to mobile users who will try to run it lol.

The lighting on the leaves (and other objects) looks weird from far away even on max graphics because shadows don’t render at that distance, but I guess its just a engine limitation and I can’t really do anything about it. I had to add some fog to hide it.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-04-22 000603
These are my lighting settings.

I’m using ShadowMap mainly because (from what I tested) it does provide more ambient occlusion than Future. My scene does not use any light sources so it won’t affect anything else than the AO (you can correct me if I’m wrong).


It’s small, too much light, about a dozen trees not fully in the ground, no realistic shadows or sun angle. BUT, other than that the detail on the ground is crazy good work.

It took me a bit to find this one but check this one out. Roblox-Realistic-Forest-Demo
Not only is this a great forest, it’s open source. Most everything you could ask for in a forest is right there, filled with high quality models and animations.

Don’t take anything I say badly. I am the most picky programmer you will ever meet. :rofl:

I think that since you dont have any light sources aside from the sun, it looks much better in shadowmap. The build is incredible! it looks so realistic and really feels like youre out in nature. like the person above me said, the map does feel too small, and it would be really nice to be able to explore more. the only thing i could think to add would be Sunrays, if you havent already, and make it so the players character has a different walking sound depending on what material they’re touching.

This realistic forest scene looks VERY GOOD AND REALISTIC! NICE JOB ON IT!