Looks really nice! Could you possibly move the sun so that it’s in front of the house, just so that we can have some light over there? By the way, is there any interior? (I guess not, since then you’d probably show it, lol)
I mean the surroundings are great. Just a suggestion. The house just doesnt fit this way. The brick thing is nice that you maintained from oriignal one. But its about structure. The roof is well just Plain. The door is great but the stairs… I dunno what to say. Its great. But i believe that structure can be improved.
I totally think I could have worked on the stairs a little bit better, but did you play the game? I feel as if the roof is one of the best features.
Also it is supposed to look a little plain/boring because its a spinoff to a Roblox structure that was made about 15 years ago, Roblox building was just at its infancy back then and I didn’t have a lot to work out of.
Feel like there should be some roof overhang. Maybe add a porch light? It kinda looks like an abandoned shed because of the lighting.
Also, terrain colors could use some work. Usually the tree leaves are about the same shade of green as the grass, so it’s sorta weird to see them not match. Might wanna make the whole map a bit smoother, the sharp cliffs look out of place.