Realistic Interior Map Feedback

I recently just created a realistically themed interior.
However this is a re-created version of an original created by @thisfall

I was inspired and created this showcase.


Checkout the showcase here for yourself: <— – —

What are your thoughts?
What should I improve- is there anything to improve?


Looks great.
I would suggest to make more rooms maybe.
The build already is good in my opinion.


Thank you for the support, however I meant this game to be a single room as the single showcase preview for today.
As the original described. :sweat_smile:

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Well I said maybe, It’s still an awesome showcase.

Looks cool, I like the vibe! Nice work.

Have to say. It’s quite good! I feel if expanding (making a whole house) would be the next step! I love it though, especially with the lighting!

Woah, that looks better than my bedroom!

Thank you all for the support. :sweat_smile:
I appreciate the feedback a lot! :smile:


Very nice, it looks like an actual real bedroom c;

maybe add stuff to that shelf like books or something

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Maybe, although I feel the vibe without any items/ assets added into the shelf.

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