Realistic Lighting

Im working on a realistic game. I have made a part of a castle. However i dont know if im satisfied with the lighting. Could you guys let me know how to improve it?


change brightness, depth of field, color, sky, future light mode, reskin textures


and also shadow rate and day time (for sun angle)

make game look vivid too

  • Change ColorShift_Top and OutdoorAmbient. Since it’s sunny, make them warmer.
  • If you want to have bluish shadows, change Ambient.
  • Change the brightness. Make it bright since it’s day time.
  • Use EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale. It works best when you use a custom skybox.
  • Use atmosphere as well. Keep in mind this doesn’t work if you don’t have a skybox object in Lighting.
  • Use SunRays. Don’t make it too scattered, don’t make it too intense either.
  • Use Bloom.
  • Use ColorCorrection if you’d like to.
  • Use Future Lighting.

If you need more guidance with Lighting and its’ objects, then I suggest you take a look at this.

I’m not too sure about your lamps’ light color as well, considering the fire is orangish in color while the light they emit is yellowish. It looks off imo.


ive changed it a bit. hows this now?


lol now that i compare the two, the original one looked shit af.

It looks better! You’re on the right direction, although something’s still off. Perhaps it’s the brightness which seems to be still too low and ColorShift_Top.

When it’s day time, I use a Brightness of 5 and if it’s night time, only 2.
As for the ColorShift_Top, when it’s at least noon, I use RGB[255, 214, 143] which looks like this.

It depends on the time of day, but if it’s sunrise/sunset, I use a way more orange-ish hue.
Basically just make the color of the sun noticable enough but not too much.

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alright thanks a lot for your help.

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