I’m working on a realistic wargame, In which all details are almost an exact replica of how things work in real life, Except dumbed down to follow roblox terms of service.
What I want to achieve here is a realistic magazine reloading system.
I am not asking for scripting support, but what I am asking for is ideas of how this can be done with ACS.
Previous attempts were too buggy and made not a lot of sense and would not be sufficient enough for me.
I’d Add gun jamming. This would allow for some realism bwteen players
What if you have ammunition but you don’t have the magazine? Not sure how anything can be done with ACS.
I did add visualized jamming, Unlike other acs versions, you can now see if your firearm is jammed without the GUI,
Then you wouldn’t be able to fire the firearm.
You would have to have an ammo box of the ammo for the specific mag type, and then reload the bullets into the magazine. This post doesn’t make sense to me.
I meant loading the bullets into the mag instead of tossing it out and getting a new one.
Well you can get a new fully loaded one or reload it manually.