Realistic Radar

Extending my post from Ship radar toggle UI, WIP, I have managed to make a somewhat realistic radar system for ships, essentially it builds a cone around a part and it calculated an area of where to shoot arrays in random directions but a fixed count based on preset settings for each radar.

Pretty similar to how it works in real life where radar shoots pings and looks to a response when it hits an object (painful oversimplification), it works like that here too, allowing for such things like radar blindspots and misses, each coloured part is a different radar ping.

Fantastic implementation, really like the idea and model.
One question tho, why do you use random pings instead of scanned lines for the cone?

Because I wanted to make it so the user needed to strategies what radar to use and where to place it on their ships for the best results. Using random pings allows me to add an extra value with how many pings a radar can shoot out.

Different radars cost different ingame currencies each with benefits and downsides so there’s more for the user to do when making their vehicle. Or at the very least when a team makes a vehicle.


I can make it some radards do complete scans in return for extra power and ingame cost.