Really HIGH ping when playing Roblox and Roblox only. Been happening for months

Hello! for a while now Roblox has had some of the worst ping for me out of all the other games online I have ever played. My ping spikes have gone from 1k to even 8999. Or even higher.

My average ping is around 200 to 850. 185 or some where around that on a good day.

But when I play any other game like csgo, tf2, or any other games on steam I get a really good consistent hardly spiking 50 to 30 ping, 100 at max. Which is ALOT more playable, Ive had this problem for a really long time. And I have googled everywhere and nothing has worked. Is this a problem with Roblox’s servers? and if so will it be fixed soon? I saw the (Mid 2023) Update saying it would fix lag spikes and make server’s a lot more stable. but that hasn’t come yet despite it being august. Getting close to the end of the year (Late 2023). If anyone has an answer thank you!


test your wifi speed. if its below 120Mbps it can be a reason why. Also using autoclickers can also get high ping/ create lag.


A similar thing has been happening to me. A couple weeks ago my ping in US servers were fine and stable, but now I constantly get put into servers with 230+ ping, which is very annoying.
The weird thing is how there are still some servers from america that have decent ping, so I feel like there’s a problem with servers on roblox’s end.


25MBPS is the average 120MBPS seems like a lot for something like Roblox. although seeing my internet speeds I wouldn’t deny it would take that much to even get normal ping I also happen to disconnect ALOT with Roblox despite me connecting to more faster or even very close by servers.
I also dont use autoclickers but thank you for the tips!

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Germany Server

Florida Server

Singapore Server

I’m also experiencing high ping on ROBLOX but only as of recently. ROBLOX sometimes randomly connects me to a EU server and even closer servers (Florida) have insanely high ping. When I join on a different account, my ping is averaging 40-60. Sometimes I’d even connect to a Singapore server and was averaging 40-60 which makes no sense because I’m in Georgia.

Considering how high my MBPS is, I don’t think I would be averaging 200 ping in a California server. Around midnight my ping seems to settle around 70-80 ms as well.

Here are results from a ping detector website as well


Thanks for the in-depth reply! Yeah your problem seems to be match making. Roblox has stated in (Mid 2023) They will be improving that. How ever i dont know when mid 2023 is coming as its heading close to the end of the year. How ever I’m not sure what is causing my problems. It could just be roblox’s bad servers.


It isn’t really match making, I live close to Florida and in the image it shows 246 ping. I should be averaging 60 or 70.

It’s 6:39 AM right now and my ping is low. Any game I join will give me a low ping, during daytime its impossible to get this low of a ping on a Texas server or a California server. It is consistently giving me Texas servers right now while averaging 60 ping. My previous reply shows what happens during daytime.


  • High ping in regions near me
  • Connecting to EU servers
  • Inconsistent regions


2 AM EST - 12 PM EST

  • Consistent regions
  • Low ping in regions near me
  • Not a single EU server

I can send a picture of a Texas server during daytime if you want. I honestly don’t know if this is my ISP or ROBLOX in general. I’ll try a different wi-fi soon and see how it goes.

It makes sense that I get high ping during daytime because that’s when NA servers are busiest. I don’t understand why other players don’t experience this.


your isp from the speeds I see seem to be good it is more then likely Roblox. you can test by playing other games and checking your ping in there.

This issues came up for me a few times but it always is diffrent when i try to fix it to the point i dont even know what to do with it now, has anyone found any fixes yet?


facing the same problem, looking for a fix

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i also have this issue over a month now and this only happens to me on germany servers. i normally get 80-110 ms in germany servers but after this issue i started to get over 200-500 ms in germany servers. this issue doesn’t occur all the time but around evening, %80 of the germany servers i enter has this issue. only solution i could find for this issue is to connect my pc internet to my mobile data.



Started happening to me recently. So obnoxious.

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I’m also facing this issue, except it happens no matter where the server region is. This is a persisting issue and Roblox needs to address this ASAP.


I notice every time I download visual studio code it gives me very high ping (like around 20k ping)
Average is 20-30
It has something to do with it because I uninstall it and everything is back to normal so yeah this is annoying/:

This is still a persisting issue as of 2/16/25. This should’ve been fixed ages ago.

usually when i leave the game and rejoin, it stops the lag like 2% of the time. one time, it took a whole minute just to load 10 assets