First, let me display the two images I used for textures
I’ll refer to this as image ‘A’
and this as image ‘B’
I start off by placing image ‘A’ on the union while the union does not have ‘UsePartColor’ set to true. For some odd reason, the texture becomes darkened – the union does not become darkened in any fashion in this example. Even the transparent parts of the texture are shown normal on the union. However, I place image ‘B’ on the union and everything is darkened.
I start off with image ‘A’ on the union. I begin toggling on/off ‘UsePartColor’, and it behaves as expected. However, when image B is placed on it (the image that turned the whole union dark previously), the darkness goes away, but the color of the union is set to a dark grey.
Again, everything works with image ‘A’ just fine, but when I put on the buggy image ‘B’, the union gets dark again, but that’s not the issue I want to point out this time. When I put the buggy image ‘B’ on the union in a different place, it unrenders the old image ‘B’ on the other face – this does not happen with image ‘A’, and image ‘A’ can be present multiple times and at the same time as image ‘B’