Realtime Group Wall Messages

Group wall messages are currently only updated upon refresh of the group page. This introduces complications for group walls that are public to members of large communities. Messages appear in large chunks every refresh, and refreshing pages/apps constantly to see new messages is disruptive in of itself.

As a result, users struggle to effectively use the group wall to make connections, communicate and meet with fellow players, and carry on live conversations with each other.

Despite these limitations, users are willing to continually refresh the wall, both to have conversations and invite users to play games with them in private servers.

I’ve attached a short gif I took of our group wall, recorded at 3:40 AM EST to demonstrate:

Our group is pretty small compared to many Roblox games, so I’d imagine things can get much more chaotic and involved with larger groups.

I believe the fact users are willing to use this feature in this way despite the complications provides a strong case for introducing a live wall improvement to groups. Live chat feed for group walls (optionally, channel categories?) would immediately improve this user experience and greatly ease the abilities for users to socialize and make friends in Roblox game communities.


This could be achieved efficiently websockets.

Anyways I believe Roblox already does this for content deleted messages (often content deleted messages refresh if they are deleted).


Having a live chat option would be nice however there’s barely enough social functionality on the site as it is, as almost all of it has been stripped away or broken over time (ie comments on games, or the chat feature) due to things like spambots/roblox finding it easier to remove something than moderate it properly, or for things like the chat feature just an outright lack of demand/use for proper maintenance and bug fixes.


Well it would be nice but it would be a bit laggy and would kind of be useless as you can refresh in the first place, so they aren’t going to want to make an update that can be achieved already with the click of a button.

The only reason the DevForums are live is that it’s literally discourse.meta but with Roblox users instead.


Refreshing the page gets annoying and can lead to messages being missed. Live group wall messages, even if laggy would be a great improvement