What do you want to achieve?
Hey! I’m trying to make a backpack system with the ability to rearrange slots and whatnot. Basically, let’s say I have an item in Slot 3 and I want to move it to Slot 1. The script would move it to Slot 1 and then reorder all of the other slots after it so it stays in the Slot 1, Slot 2, Slot 3 format. -
What is the issue?
I have racked my brain for maybe almost 2 hours at this point and I can’t think of something that actually worked in-game. I’m not good with tables and reordering things, so… -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried a lot of solutions on the Developer Hub. Nothing seemed to work, unfortunately.
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Well, first you get the event when mouse holding lmb and the certain slot. Next create the visual image of your item that will follow the mouse while dragging, and then check where did the mouse stopped holding
(ik my english can be cringe sometimes, just ask me if you didn’t understand something)
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