Hello everyone!
I need help with the rebirth system I use in my simulator game. Here is the code:
function updateRebirthTable(player, rebirthAmount)
local rebirthTable = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000, 100000000000, 1000000000000}
local rebirthsCalc = player.leaderstats.Rebirths.Value / 100
rebirthsCalc = roundDown(rebirthsCalc, 0)
local tapsNeededTable = {}
local m2 = 0.03
local scn = 10
for count = 1, 9 do
tapsNeededTable[count] = roundUp(scn, 0)
scn = scn - (scn * m2)
scn = scn * 10
local currentClicks = player.leaderstats.Clicks.Value
for index, value in ipairs(rebirthTable) do
local newRebirthButton = rebirthButton:Clone()
local newRebirthLabel = rebirthLabel:Clone()
local requiredClicks = tapsNeededTable[index]
local amount = value
local requiredClicksPlusAmount = requiredClicks + (amount + rebirthAmount)
requiredClicksPlusAmount = roundUp(requiredClicksPlusAmount, 0)
newRebirthButton.Text = formatNumber.FormatCompact(amount).." Rebirths ("..formatNumber.FormatCompact(requiredClicksPlusAmount).." Clicks)"
newRebirthLabel.Text = formatNumber.FormatCompact(amount).." Rebirths ("..formatNumber.FormatCompact(requiredClicksPlusAmount).." Clicks)"
if currentClicks >= requiredClicksPlusAmount then
newRebirthButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(32, 255, 28)
newRebirthButton.Active = false
newRebirthButton.MainValue.Value = value
newRebirthButton.Parent = player.PlayerGui.Frames.RebirthFrame.RebirthFrame2.ScrollingFrame
newRebirthLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 75, 75)
newRebirthLabel.Parent = player.PlayerGui.Frames.RebirthFrame.RebirthFrame2.ScrollingFrame
This is the function I use to calculate the price of my rebirth system and display it in a button. The “m2” variable is the multiplier. The bigger that number, the bigger the amount needed for rebirth is more. “0.03” is a great amount for beginner players, but once your rebirths get into the thousands and millions, the multiplier doesn’t work anymore because the numbers are so big.
Can you guys please help? I want to know how I can “scale” this m2 variable.
Please ask questions if you have any