Rebirth system help

I’m making a Orange juice tycoon type of game it was going all great and according to plan but when I started working on the Rebirth system I hit a concrete wall, I have no clue how to calculate the amount of rebirths a player can do according to the amount of money they have nor do I have a good formula to calculate the amount of money they should have to do 1 Rebirth

Current code:

		if #script.Parent.Buttons:GetChildren() <= 1 then
			numberOfRebirths = NewValue / 5000*PlayerData.Rebirths.Value*(2*PlayerData.Rebirths.Value + PlayerData.Rebirths.Value + 1)
			local newPrice = 5000*numberOfRebirths*(2*PlayerData.Rebirths.Value + numberOfRebirths + 1)
			info.MFrame.FlavorPrice.Text = newPrice
			rebirthButton.Price.Value = newPrice		

The number of rebirths value is always more than 1k for some reason and the NewPrice value is extremely high and I’m assuming its because numberofrebirths isnt calculated correctly.

I took the formula from this dev post but I don’t think I’m applying it correctly

Any help is gladly appreciated

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Try this:

	if #script.Parent.Buttons:GetChildren() <= 1 then
		local cR = PlayerData.Rebirths.Value
		local nR = PlayerData.Rebirths.Value + 1
		local newPrice = (cR * nR + nR * (nR+1) / 2) * 10000
		info.MFrame.FlavorPrice.Text = newPrice
		rebirthButton.Price.Value = newPrice		
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Is there a way to calculate how many rebirths the player can do according to their money? and not just add 1 to their current rebirth value?

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Something like this

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Is there a price you want for each rebirth?

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That’s my issue the new price depends on the amounts of rebirths

just multiply the current price by the amount of rebirths the player has

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or you can set a table up with all prices and then when you want to get the price you can index the table via the rebirths value so like

local Costs = {100, 400, 1000, 2000, 5000}

local function getPrice(rebirthAmount)
    return Costs[rebirthAmount]

Wouldn’t that mean the game would have a set amount of rebirths and then stop?

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What would that do, what would it achieve?

No? just add more prices???


or you can do a simple conditions checking if the players rebirths is above the tables length so

local Costs = {100, 400, 1000, 2000, 5000}

local function getPrice(rebirthAmount)
    if rebirthAmount > #Costs then
       return Costs[#Costs]
       return Costs[rebirthAmount]

I dont understand how that would fit in my script

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Using @Katrist reference code I managed to make something similar to what I’m trying to achieve

Here’s the code for anyone looking for a similar effect:

local nextRebirthCost
local currentRebirthCost
local amountOfRebirths = 1
local function ChangeRebirthCost(cR, moneyValue, addValue)
	local baseRebirthAmount = 100000
	local newPrice = (cR * (cR+1) + (cR+1) * (cR+2) / 2) * baseRebirthAmount
	local nextSkip = (cR * (cR+addValue) + (cR+addValue) * (cR+addValue+1) / 2) * baseRebirthAmount
	if moneyValue > nextSkip then
		ChangeRebirthCost(cR, moneyValue, addValue+1)
		amountOfRebirths += 1
		currentRebirthCost = nextSkip
		nextRebirthCost = (cR * (cR+addValue+1) + (cR+addValue+1) * (cR+addValue+2) / 2) * baseRebirthAmount
		return "Cant go no more"