Receiving DevForum Emails on Old Email

I am receiving DevForum notification emails on my original email I had when I created my Roblox account in 2018. I updated my email to a new one a few months ago, and I have been receiving all other Roblox emails as expected on my new email. Only Forum emails are bugged.

Expected Behavior:
I expect that when my Roblox email is changed, Forum emails should be sent to the new email.

Actual Behavior:
My email which was changed on my Roblox account months ago is receiving emails when I am sent private DevForum messages and my new email is receiving nothing. I only have notifications set up for PMs on the Forum, nothing else.

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This is expected behavior because the forum only refreshes your email address each time you log into the forum. It’s because we use a third-party software for the forum, so it technically has its own database for user information. We do not have a live sync between your Roblox account information and the devforum information.

Please log out and log into the forum to update the email address on the forum-side. (make sure you are re-logging into the forum specifically, not Roblox as a whole)

We’ve had a backlog item for a while to implement more live syncing for forum information but it hasn’t been high priority enough to pick up compared to other work.