After over 10 years, the Spring Fairy has recently had it’s attachment changed from HatAttachment to LeftCollarAttachment. This change has made the Spring Fairy incompatible with the dozens of ‘Addons’ on the catalog created for it over the years, including mine (slithery samuel).
An ‘Addon’ is a term coined by the UGC Community for accessories that are made to be worn with other accessories. An example of this would be the Krampus’ Amulet of Eternal Nightmares (UGC) with the Snow Queen’s Necklace. Wearing both of these at the same time will make the Krampus’ Amulet of Eternal Nightmares appear as if it has sparkles, because the Snow Queen’s Necklace has a Sparkles effect.
Expected behavior
I expect the Attachment under the Spring Fairy Accessory to be changed back to a HatAttachment
The change made to the Spring Fairy item was to make it more consistant with the rest of the Fairy series. I feel as if this report is pointless and they wouldn’t revert a change just for some random addons to start working again, if anything this makes it easier to make addons because you can make them back accessories rather than hat accessories which have a way smaller bounding size than back accessories, it’s a miracle there was even any addons for it in the first place.
They look better when worn all together plus it was clearly a mistake as they fixed it, a lot of older Roblox items were made for R6 and had HatAttachments despite being different types of items. The Spring Fairy is a shoulder item and should be consistant with what it is as well as the rest of the series.
User generated content really shouldn’t be considered when fixing an asset bug.
Item’s should be treated as standalone or as part of a series, and in this case an item that was intended to be a shoulder accessory, that was not set as one, has been changed to have it’s intended accessory type. It’s a bit ridiculous to claim that UGC assets should be considered, when looking at a non-UGC item, aside from say, a Roblox asset being stolen content from a UGC creator, but even in that case that is less of a bug and more of a copyright dispute.
This post sounds like you want the item positioning reverted so that it can work with your UGC again. This seems redundant, as Roblox could not update their own items’ geometry/positioning without it breaking at least something. Reiterating what Sammy said, users’ own UGC shouldn’t be considered when Roblox items are updated, as if everyone’s items are considered then no items could be modified. If someone makes an item like yours that wraps around the Spring Fairy item (with its new positioning), then there will be no result as to what position is preferred. A better solution would to be allow all positioning settings to all Roblox accessories.
As an owner of the Spring Fairy, I expect the item to be positioned on the shoulder similarly to the others I own in the series - and don’t believe this change should be applied.
I appreciate all the feedback on this report, I can see where y’all are coming from. I’m just personally a tad bit frustrated that the UGC I commissioned no longer works as intentional with the Spring Fairy. Even if I were to change my UGC’s attachment type, it still wouldn’t work without severe mesh changes due to the tentacles clipping inside the head.
Did you check the rest of the Sparkling Fairy series?
Spring Fairy, Shoulder Accessory, HatAttachment
Winter Fairy, Hat Accessory, HatAttachment
Fall Fairy, Shoulder Accessory, LeftCollarAttachment
St Patrick’s Day Fairy, Shoulder Accessory, RightCollarAttachment (with a different mesh!)
None of the series is consistent. Not the seasonal theme, not the side it’s placed on the avatar, not which accessory category it goes into, not the attachment. From an actual gameplay perspective though, the Spring and Winter fairies were the only two with a consistent attachment until the recent update!
All of these fairies were released before hats were broken up into different accessory types. Considering they vaguely float beside the head, I don’t think these were intended to attach to any specific body type. The fact that this four item series has multiple inconsistencies with categories and attachments highlights this.
Building outfits around hiding hats with special effects has been a thing for years, going at least as far back as Hiccup’s (Improved) Helmet in 2015. Of course players are going to want to use these effects on different designs, and they’ve been able to do that with UGC for years now. Are we supposed to expect major changes to high-value avatar items released over a decade ago?
If these were recolored clones of the Spring Fairy mesh which shrinkwrap to a 0.01 stud difference, I’d understand Roblox being unable to support that, but these are general shapes meant to surround the original design. Should these creators ask their customers to repurchase these hats at the buyer’s cost?
Hoping Roblox can find a way to make this right for everyone. Easiest option is to just revert the change, but it’d be nice to see them make all four fairies use shoulder attachments and then work with UGC creators to update their sparkling fairy add-ons.
While I understand the importance of being able to combine hats, and the utility of being able to use accessories to hide or combine others, this interaction shouldn’t be as greatly considered as say an incorrect attachment type or accessory type bug. Following Roblox’s guidelines for accessory types the fairy series is very clearly a shoulder accessory. FYI I was referring to when items were broken up into different accessory types, not back when it was created.
I understand it can be disheartening to see an asset you made/commissioned to be used with another item be rendered obsolete, but when creating items specifically to interract with items you did not make, you have to be willing to risk that these items may be updated. While Roblox has just recently been going back and updating older items with small bugfixes, the same could be true for any item that has changed over time.
Ideally, I’d want to see Roblox allow users to update their accessory types, because all of the examples you listed should also be shoulder accessories. I understand why they would have to be published as hat accessories to fit with the item in its previous state though. I don’t believe there is any real harm in letting users change the accessory type of their UGC.
Doesn’t change what I said. These hats were made with no body part in specific and the people behind categorizing these made fair guesses to these and hundreds of other accessories in one big swoop. Claiming there’s a “correct” accessory type here is silly, and if all four faries were still labeled as hats I doubt anyone would be arguing about this.
This has only become a serious risk over the past couple weeks. Past a few rare exceptions, we’d hardly seen any major updates to specific accessories in the years since UGC’s introduction.