Recent Games under File no longer populates with recent files

On macOS and Windows, Recent Games under File no longer populates with recent files.
This is new as of this past week, maybe two weeks.

Edit: Open from Roblox is no longer working either.

Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 11.17.20 AM

I rely on this feature multiple times per day when working on Jailbreak. We have dozens of files I need to hop between and this location is the fastest way to do it.

Thank you.


very annoying as I used this a lot. Better be fixed asap


Edited the original post. File>Open from Roblox is no longer working either. The bypass is you need to open a File>New, and delete the baseplate file that is created to access your games on-site.


Can confirm both problems are not specific to macOS and are occurring on my Windows PC too :+1: I rely on both of these features for the same reasons mentioned above (frequently hopping between places) and this panel makes it easy to do that.


Never noticed this until probably yesterday when I got the studio update, please fix!!! I basically rely on this since most of my games are in groups and it’s just a pain to switch back to the studio screen and find it.


This is 100% reproducible and related to the same “Open From Roblox” issue that has also been reported. We are actively working on the fix. Unfortunately it’s not something we can patch or rollback remotely. We will push an update as soon as we can but it won’t likely be until early next week. We know this is a big inconvenience, especially for folks that switch places frequently, and we apologize for this.

In the meantime, you should be able to utilize the Recents and Experiences tabs on the Start Page to open places.


Yeah this is very frustrating, I’m glad I’m not the only one!

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This needs to be fixed as soon as possible as I use the feature “Open From Roblox” extremely often

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I hope this gets fixed quickly it’s so annoying not having “Open from Roblox”


I was checking the Registry but then I found this.

Any updates on this? Will this be fixed soon?

This fix has been rolled out to production. Apologies for the inconvenience!