Recent Projects: Architecture

I’ve been working on many projects over my Roblox years, and an ongoing theme of mine tends to be architectural studies. I just thought I’d share with you some of my recent work, including:

[li]Parisian Haussmann era streets[/li]

[li]Semi-collapsed wasteland warehouse[/li]

[li]Overgrown industrial hideout[/li]


Please feel free to share some of your own work, I love seeing new builds!

You really made these on ROBLOX? :smiley: They’re amazing!

H…how…? What…? Wha… ro-…roblox?

Incredible work, these are some of the best showcases of roblox building I have ever seen

Are you sure that is roblox stuff :o? ( no offense roblox XD ) but when I looked at the pictures I was sure it was made in like idk… unity or something, impressive work!

since I am apparently giving out cookies to sweet creations today here is one for you! * gives cookie *

Hah, looks like someone’s putting part outlines to good use.

Great job!

That looks pro. Reminds me of The Last of Us :3

My work isn’t as “wow” since I’ve only been seriously building for a year on and off. Still experimenting and playing around with modern minimalist builds. My favorite one is quite personal since I tried to depict my state of mind at the time I built it. (familiar with the friendzone?)

It looks like a big amalgam of de stijl, futurist design, airports, loneliness, anxiety, and Radiohead :slight_smile:

The whole minimalist thing looks better when juxtaposed with realism, which roblox isn’t very good for, but I still like how the place feels.
Seen here: Minigames - Roblox

Mind = Blown

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I think AgentTech hacked ROBLOX’s game engine and made it better :swag:

It is really mind blowing! But I think low-end computers can’t handle it :emo-angst:

What would be really nice to have in builds like these is LOD and whatnot so you get 60 fps while playing o.o

Amazing work. This hardly looks like ROBLOX at all. I’ve always wondered what is used for grass in these maps. Care to share?

Some ideas of what it could be:

Some ideas of what it could be:

-snip- [/quote]

From what it looks like, neither of those are correct. This however… [spoiler]


No idea what this mesh originally comes from, but I got this from just searching “Grass Mesh”

I use this mesh pretty often though when I need grass.

EDIT: I believe he did use one of the other meshes with the one I just showed.

If it had anti-aliasing, this wouldn’t look like ROBLOX.