I’ve been working on many projects over my Roblox years, and an ongoing theme of mine tends to be architectural studies. I just thought I’d share with you some of my recent work, including:
Are you sure that is roblox stuff :o? ( no offense roblox XD ) but when I looked at the pictures I was sure it was made in like idk… unity or something, impressive work!
since I am apparently giving out cookies to sweet creations today here is one for you! * gives cookie *
My work isn’t as “wow” since I’ve only been seriously building for a year on and off. Still experimenting and playing around with modern minimalist builds. My favorite one is quite personal since I tried to depict my state of mind at the time I built it. (familiar with the friendzone?)
It looks like a big amalgam of de stijl, futurist design, airports, loneliness, anxiety, and Radiohead
The whole minimalist thing looks better when juxtaposed with realism, which roblox isn’t very good for, but I still like how the place feels.
Seen here: Minigames - Roblox