This bug did not exist before yesterday (the day roblox assetdelivery was down)
Basically my games use avatar customization system that relies on InsertService to load accessories and clothing by providing their IDs.
Problem is that it happens only to some people and even though I have a ton of pcalls that are supposed to handle errors, dev console still outputs this:
Going by the errors it looks like you’re using co routines though. I do wonder if this was a silent change to the InsertService based on upcoming UGC or if your co-routines stopped working based on specific conditions of users. pcalls doesn’t handle errors, it just gives you the opportunity to.
all I am doing is using InsertService:LoadAsset(id) and then finding instance of correct class inside the model.
It all worked before and now it doesn’t for some users.
This looks more like your code relying on unspported behaviours that were fixed over InsertService being “broken”. Moreover, why are you using InsertService? I find that unless you’re using arbitrary customisation ids, having your character assets already in the game helps ease the process tenfold.
What does your code look like? If it’s really not a problem with your implementation, you may have found a bug, for which you should be filing a report for.
I use InsertService to give freedom to players by allowing them to load up any accessories they’re dreaming of.
It’s just easier for me that way because it works quickly and I don’t have to bother with adding hundreds of items.
Weird thing is that it worked prior to roblox being down recently.
Asset server was down ( and it has a lot to do with InsertService so I think this is what broke it.
My code is as simple as it gets:
local model = InsertService:LoadAsset(id)
local item = model:FindFirstChildOfClass("Accessory")
if item then
It’s weird because it works for some players but when others try to load in, it just throws out an error.
I use pcalls to stop errors from stopping the rest of the function and even though nothing like this should ever happen, it does after a recent change. I have absolutely no idea how and why that happens.
I may try to rewrite the code from scratch if it even helps me.
I just hate how there is no guarantee that anything you make will work on Roblox reliably for a long time.
There is no way to use outdated engine so stuff like this wouldn’t happen. It all worked just fine but Roblox decided to break it with one of their unneeded changes.
You could easily run into moderation problems with allowing users to insert any accessory they want.
…As well as they can just insert a script and get serverside access to your game and essentially take it over.
You need to enable InsertService on the server, make sure you’ve done that as InsertService is generally considered incredibly insecure.
There is a near absolute guarantee that things you make in Roblox will work for a long time. You can still see scripts from 2007 working just as well - when Roblox does break past behaviours, it’s either for incredibly persuasive reasons (with no alternative) or done over the course of many years (Filtering Enabled). Roblox didn’t “break it with one of their unneeded changes” - either you weren’t using it as it was intended in the first place, or you were using it insecurely and didn’t modify your codebase. You can’t blame Roblox for that.
It’s serversided and InsertService only allows inserting of Roblox items or ones that I own. There is an exception in form of clothing and decals and etc. Players can’t easily insert a script that would give them too much access because the only models they can insert are ones that I own.
All inserted items are immediately checked if they are correct instance and scanned for descendants like scripts and localscripts.
I wasn’t using it in unintended way since it’s all running on server and uses the api found on wiki.
IT STILL WORKS FOR SOME PLAYERS but not all of them. That shouldn’t happen. It worked perfectly before.
I am actually receiving the same error on my game which uses InsertService (not the coroutine one). Because assets are cached on my game, it is not easy to identify which assets cause it and why. As @SimplyData suggested, it would be better to ask a LTC to move the post to #platform-feedback:engine-bugs.
This isn’t an issue with Roblox Updates still - from what you’ve described it’s a downtime problem (since you aren’t showing us your code), which you should report in bug reports.