Recent update causes teleportation issues with Welds/Motor6Ds

A bug just appeared starting about an hour ago in our game: players are able to teleport by equipping and unequipping Tools.

Our game is in first person, and sets the CFrame of the player’s character every frame, but removing the code that did this changed nothing.

I’m not sure the exact thing that replicates this but all I can say is that this wasn’t happening about over an hour ago, and we haven’t updated the game so it can’t be something on our end. Other developers mentioned similar issues happening at the same time, with anything related to Welds and Motor6Ds, so that’s all I have.

I can’t record footage at the moment but here’s what someone sent:

If the update that just came out about an hour ago could be reverted and looked into, that would be great. Thanks.


Having the same issue in all my projects. I use motor6ds to animate firearms and I get teleported as well.
They are unanchored and massless yet still teleport our players.

We are being flooded with exploit reports due to this update as everyone thinks people are flying.


I believe this error is also present in our game. The issue occurred around 3:00 PM EST. A server restart did not solve the issue.


Having the same issue in our game, people are also able to fly by spamming unequip on tools.


I’ve had this happen on my game in the past hour as well. Just using regular tools with Motor6Ds would cause a teleport on unequip.


I too have experienced recent issues with welds with-in my experience. Specifically in my case, if a player’s character is involved in a weld, it will always teleport the player to the object rather than the object to the player; no matter if the object is Part0 or Part1, nor if the object is anchored or not. A workaround is to ensure that the object is teleported to the desired CFrame immediately before the Weld is created.


I hope this gets patched soon because you can basically fly in most games that have tools


This is happening in our game as well! The game is basically currently unplayable, seeing as players can fly to spots they shouldn’t be able to reach.


Thanks for reporting. We are investigating.


I reverted the likely problem flag. Are the issues resolved in new sessions?


yes it just fixed for me, thank you


All fixed here, thank you for the quick response time.


Just confirmed and it has been fixed for Notoriety. Thanks!


Yeah it’s fixed now, tysm!
I was already getting paranoid trying to find a manual fix lol


Thanks for fixing it. Players could straight-up X-ray, Teleport, and Fly all over the map for me, which was really annoying. Had to disable tools.


Hey, does anyone have a good simplified repro file they created for this when they ran into the issue?

I’m having trouble reproducing this with basic tool use cases.

@mintseeds @Abcreator @Lightning_Splash @Rendhy @F4eki

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I couldn’t reproduce the bug on a separate place, but at around August 18th, 2:00 AM UTC (somewhat around same time UGC bundles started popping in the Marketplace) we started getting bug reports in Notoriety about it happening again very rarely when you interacted or used your mask (which forced your tool to unequip/equip) - (here’s a video example)

We didn’t see any other developers reporting that issue here, and we fixed it by changing the PhysicsSteppingMethod from “Default” to “Fixed”. After the fix was released (at 4:00 PM UTC on the same day) we got no further reports about it.

Right now I’m trying to reproduce it once more by going to the version that this bug happened and having the PhysicsSteppingMethod as “Adaptive”, but it’s been around 30 minutes of testing and it didn’t happen again (tried setting to “Default”, different Incoming Replication Lag values, the current and older version… no luck).

Since it no longer seems to happen, I re-enabled one of the places (Jewelry Store) to use Adaptive and I’ll be on the look out for any bug reports of it happening again.

Some things to note about tools in Notoriety is that:

  • Our rig is a modified R6 to have an extra part named “Hip” which separates the legs and the torso. This is so we can have separate animations for the legs without affecting the torso.
  • We use Humanoid:EquipTool() and Humanoid:UnequipTools() on the client to equip/unequip weapons.
  • We have a server script that whenever a Tool is equipped, it destroy all Welds/Motor6Ds under Right Arm named “RightGrip”, then we create a Motor6D version with the same name to weld the Tool. (When this bug first started happening, disabling this specific script fixed the issue for us).

I tried to make a reproduction place with these behaviors in it, but so far was unable to find the bug in it.

NotorietyExample.rbxl (67.4 KB)

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I can’t tell exactly how exactly the issue started happening, but for the little I saw when it was happening…

I think is something about Motor6D and Offsets, basically a motor6d having it’s c0 or c1 property changed.

Example, on my game with the Fists tool, the handles are just two parts that are welded to the arms (R6 rig btw), it doesn’t have any offset, but with others weapons like crowbar, katana, and etc, the bug was actually present, and these other weapons did have offsets.

In small words, as I know so far, it only happend with tools that had Motor6Ds instead of just welds, and these motors actually had offsets a bit far away from the arm. (I don’t know if that makes too much sense, but yeah)

In smallest words: Tool, Motor6D instead of Weld, Motor has offset (C1 or C0), and boom, teleporting when unequipping.

I don’t know if this is any helpful, but that’s all I know so far.

Mind DMing me one of those tools? I’m guessing I can repro fine without access to the animations.

Sure, I just sent it over to you on dm.