My game is still in progress but I found a bug which I didn’t do anything.
First the picture:
On the left is the leaderboard that should have all the ranked players, there only should be 8 players ranked.
On the right I preformed the Donation Leaderboard to a Level-Leaderboard so that I can show the Messages and the last 2 players, which only the last 2 players should be shown on the left too.
The thing is I have gotten an Error that said:
Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync() failed: Unknown user
and my thoughts were, I want to somehow remove the Error and wanna have my ranked players on the other leaderboard.
- Well what I did is what I just written above.
If anyone with knowledge can remove the uncertainty that would be much appreciated.
(Plus) Removing the “Error while loading playername” from my leaderboard!
I just show you what the line looks like when playername don’t show up goes through:
for Index, Spielerdaten in ipairs(Daten) do
local Erfolg, Name = pcall(function()
return PLAYERS:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(tonumber(Spielerdaten.key))
if not Erfolg then
if not tonumber(Spielerdaten.key) then
Name = Spielerdaten.key
Name = "Error while loading playername."
local Wert = Spielerdaten.value
if not Wert then