Recently played is gone?

Hello, as of today and yesterday, When I navigate to my home page, I do not see my “recently played games” Instead, I see the “Collector simulator” category. Am i just missing something? Or do you guys have this issue too?

In this pic, you don’t see a recently played or Continue section. Even if I scroll down all the way, there still isn’t. I don’t have any extensions that should be changing anything.


This post should be in Platform Usage Support.

I don’t have the issue, although the title was recently changed to ‘Continue’.
Which browser / app are you using? Is it fully updated?

What do you mean by the “collector simulator” category?
Please provide some images if possible.

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This has happened to me in the past. Perhaps its just a bug. Contact @Bug-Support about this and they will respond to you in about 7 business days… … … … …

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2,000 employees, and yet it takes them nearly a week to respond. We don’t know how many of them are in CS. Somewhat understandable.

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It shows that there are only 9 in the Bug-Support team.

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Sorry for the inconvenience. This should be fixed now. Please let us know if it still occurs. Thanks!


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