The bug shows a incorrect location of where your device is logged-on to. In reality, instead of the US, it’s London, and incase of the other, it’s Beirut. I really don’t know why it’s happening, and it could possibly be a major flaw in the website for security reasons.
I’ve noticed it too for a while, and there’s no mention of this particular behavior on the Discourse meta. I assume it’s related to the SSO feature, and however the forums update say our avatar icons here.
I’ve got the same problem. I’m in Canada, not in a city close to the border, and it shows all of my devices in the US. The three iPhones are the same device, just logged in under different apps. For one of them, it shows Maryland, which I don’t live remotely close to.
Same issue, I live in Denmark and my devices have never been anywhere nearby USA.
Considering I don’t live in Philadelphia either, that location might be the default for some reason? Seems like a lot of us have it marked.
My location has been displaced in Maryland instead. Technical issues, I assume?
Suddenly it changed to Philadelphia! Wow, okay!
I’d doubt it’s technical issues tbh. Both my authorized devices both generically say they are in the United States. Despite me being in Manitoba Canada. It’d be correct if I was to drive 60 minutes south however.
Huh, odd. I am currently in Sweden and it’s incorrectly calibrated. That’s waaay too far.
I thought it was showing incorrectly because I use a vpn sometimes. I do however have one device showing the right location.
I don’t know if I have the bug or not considering I live right next to Philly, but this is a pretty bad thing if you go into the log and see your account accessed from another country even if it is a bug.
I can confirm I’m also getting this - it definitely previously worked. Bottom one redacted as that one is accurate.
Few weeks ago I was under the impression someone managed to log into my account, as I looked at the locations my account was logged into. I live all the way in the Midwest and the suspicious location was in Maryland.
I’ve got Rosedale, Philadelphia and the Netherlands
I imagine it’s due to the fact we don’t actually log in here. Not sure how the SSO thing is set up and if it’s something Roblox can do or Discourse have overlooked.
Is the SSO here a custom thing by Roblox or just using built-in functionality of Discourse?
This may be due to if you have a VPN or another private system that doesn’t allow your location to be accessed, possibly it’s just guessing where you are. This happens quite often in Australia and although It may not be the case that is the most likely thing that has happened.
This most definitely not what is happening. VPN is not the cause of this.
I’ll copy and paste this on the meta forum, unless there’s a way to move this?
It is most likely related to the SSO like @SisterMaurice / @BanTech mentioned. Before posting this on the meta as a bug, you should confirm whether it also occurs on other Discourse forums (such as the meta website). If it doesn’t occur there then it’s an issue specific to this site and might not be something that Discourse can solve. I have linked this thread to some Roblox staff that can look into this issue.
I wasn’t using a VPN.
I am experiencing this too, and no I’m not from US nor using a VPN on this website.