Reciprocal of a Number

I’ll keep this short.

This term is used in more complicated math, called a “reciprocal”. It gets the complete opposite of a number, usually used for inverting graphs’ gradients or other scalar calculations.

This is an example on what these numbers’ reciprocals are:

0 --> 0
1 --> -1
2 --> -0.5
3 --> -1/3
-5 --> 0.2
2.4 --> -5/12

…or you can just google what a reciprocal is.

My question is, how can I do this in Roblox? I couldn’t find the answer anywhere. If you have any suggestions or solutions, then please comment it down below. Thank you.

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Yeah, this is possible but it’s outside of my skill level. Though it is possible, I just don’t know how to get an integer.

local x = 0.2 --how do we know this is 1/5?
--we can see how many times it goes through one.
local int, decimal = math.modf(x)
local timesItGoesIntoOne = 1/decimal
local reciprocalOfTheFraction = -timesItGoesIntoOne --this is all we need for 0.2
print(reciprocalOfTheFraction) --> -5
--local reciprocalOfTheDecimal = -(timesItGoesIntoOne+(int*timesItGoesIntoOne)) --this is probably wrong, and I'm not sure how to do this.
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it’s just -1/number
very simple ik

-1/1 = -1
-1/2 = -0.5
-1/3 = -1/3 -- 😮
-1/4 = -0.25
-1/-5 = 1/5 = 0.2 -- the two negatives cancel out lol

unfortunately, print always gives decimal notation or scientific notation (1.23e4)

Man, this makes my work look so overly complicated. That’s what happens when you think at midnight.

But shouldn’t -1/3 equal 3/1? I might be confused, but that seems weird to me.

But the negative number is kept. 2 should be set to -1/2, a negative.

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function reciprocal(x)
    return -1/x
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If I put 0 then it would return a negative-infinite number.

yea ik that
and in fact when i google “reciprocal of 0”, i get undefined

and there’s a weird ted ed vid about how “1/0 = plus/minus infinity” can break maths

Why are you making it negative?

The reciprocal of x is just 1/x.

1 is 1/1 so it equals 1
2 = .5
3 = .33333 (or 1/3)
-5 = -.2
2.4 = .4166667 (or 5/12)


I thought you would have to make it negative. I guess I don’t pay attention in math class. :expressionless:


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