Reciving 14 robux from a 50 robux product

So i juat release my game and we sold a product for 50 robux we expect 35+ robuxs because 30% of 50 is almost 15 but we got 14 so we felt scammed ik there was another like this but that back in 2022

So if you know to fix please help and qe do have revenue split on but only got 7 from 50%


What sort of product is it? A shirt? A devproduct? A gamepass? Something else?

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sorry about being late dev product

Is the game hosted in a group or under a profile?

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Its in a group and the group has the give a set of players 50% or 20%

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Just to double check - what is the amount you were expecting and what is the amount you received?
Also, what is the breakdown of payouts for each person

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We were expecting 35 and since i have got 50% split the maths would be more like 14 but we go 7 each and then my builder brought the dev product again for 19 robuxs and i got 7 which is more accurate.