Recommendations for the direction of my current project

its been 2 year so far since I started the final prototype for my game World of Chaos.
I have been hard at work preparing this game for a public release, however I am concerned as to how interesting the game is from a players perspective.

throughout this time I have had a handful of players join, but they seem to leave after 20 seconds of playing, they walk out into the world, stop for a moment then leave. they dont even try to play the game.

maybe you guys can shed some light on the matter, I would like to know were my game stands in this point in development. how is the playthrough overall, and what are your thoughts as to what would keep people interested?

current future plans include:
map gen rework, map generation chunks would be improved/detailed.
more npcs.
more abilities.
interactive tutorial.
generated buildings.
map-wide events.

your feedback is incredibly helpful in making my passion project progress forward.


Here is my feedback after playing the game:


It’s okay, but the UI should have a somewhat transparent background as it is hard to see the text at times.

The tutorial seems to talk about things like the 3 safe modes which I might have trouble remembering in the future. I recommend creating a tool tip for hovering over some of the UI to get a brief reminder for the different safe modes.


So, to play you basically use the abilities that you need to find through a series of menus, equip one, and then use it after running outside of what seems already like a very unfinished map, to get xp.

Most people would not even be able to figure out the menus. The tutorial should say to equip one and be an interactive tutorial.

Unequipping items should be as simple as removing it from the equipped menu, but instead you need to go through that whole series of menus just to unequip.

If this game gets players, I could imagine certain abilities being abused because they don’t have a range limit.

Sometimes, the game will decide to change the atmosphere (weather) and it will make the game lag. The weather system seems to be too random.

Morphs will remove the abilities, and you need to use the ability group to restore it.

The game runs slow on the server so the time it takes to cooldown the ability is inaccurate by several seconds. I recommend correctly using a timing system so people don’t get mad because of lag.

0.1 of a second takes one second in the game for some reason. The timing should be like:

local timeLeft = 2.5
while timeLeft > 0 do
timeLeft -= task.wait(0.1)
--display the time, math.round it

and it will display an accurate time reading.

The game has gotten so laggy on the server to the point where abilities take minutes to cooldown. Etherium does not regenerate nearly as fast. This is what caused me to leave the game, otherwise I would have played longer.

Other than that, the game is fun. The game is shadowed by the fact that there are no players.

The tree morph system is well thought out as well.

Those people are bots, I’m sure. If they’re actual people, they’re as dumb as a rock.

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thank you very much for the reply, I would like to clearify a few things:

the range being unlimited was a mistake I forgot to patch during the last update, originally there was a limit to how far a player can aim but I had done a massive rework on all abilites in order to make them smoother and as a result the cap is not currently present.

ability groups can completely clear your inventory if you use one that has no data saved,

morphs should not be able to use abilities, if your able to equip them from the groups menu that’s not intentional.

as for a few questions:

would you recommend a dedicated button to clear a players inventory and if so would the ability menu be a good place for it?

the lag caught my curiosity, my main system is pretty beefy so its hard for me to notice any lag. is it just the weather that causes lag or is it also the terrain?
the lag in the cooldowns is most likely from the server as its the server that performs the cooldown.

when you said it got to a point were it took minutes for an ability to finish its cooldown was this gradual or was this present during your whole playthrough. if it was gradual it could be some memory leaks or too many npcs at one time.

what makes the terrain look unfinished? do the chunks/islands have enough foilage? or is it just the basic shape they have?

They cannot. They just clear the current equipped section when you leave the morph.

There were some frame drops when the system transitions. However, it was still far above 60 FPS.

This started happening gradually when NPCs were spawning far too much and they were out of reach. I recommend only NPCs to spawn when the player is near the spawn point of the NPC.

Mainly the safe zone. It looks like it is disconnected from the rest of the game.


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thank you for your time in giving me feedback, I greatly appreciate it.