Recommended Experiences should be developer curated [Why be forced to freely advertise similar games with potential asset stealing?]

As a Roblox Developer it is too hard to utilize the recommended experiences as a great place to encourage users to visit similar experiences that the developer also agrees with or has curated.

The fact that developers aren’t able to curate this at all seems counter productive as it is advertisement space on our own experience page that we worked to popularize. The discover page should be the only place for unbias content exploration. It is also counter productive as Roblox’s algorithms force it while developers of the experience would have the most knowledge on advertising similar experiences to their fans.

In one of these experiences being freely advertised on “Roblox Titanic” a game with 3 million + users a month, is this other more barebones Titanic experience.

They are using a texture from our game, and I am not able to go into some configure option and disable this game from showing up in the Recommended Experiences. This is hurting our VVG brand as it’s putting it onto a model that does not belong to us - while we’re being forced to advertise for it. The telegraphs (the model in question) does not belong to the developer of this Titanic experience. Why should it be freely advertised on the most popular Titanic experience on Roblox?

This feature request is for developers to be able to choose from the algorithmically similar games to curate which ones show up in the Recommended Experiences on their experience page.


This would be preferable to whatever the current recommended algorithm is. would be great to recommend trusted games I like to people who visit my games.