Recommended for You always has the same results on the Games page

Reproduction Steps

Go to Discover - Roblox on 2-3 accounts
You should have the same games no matter what

As you can see here, on 3 completely different browsers and accounts I have the same games listed as being recommended

Expected Behavior

I have completely personalized games listed as being recommended to me, as on the homepage.

Actual Behavior

The same games are listed for everybody, no matter the account age, browser, location, anything.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Games (front page)
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


this has been an issue for a LONG time.

I believe this was intentional as this started happening over a year ago. Nothing we can do, roblox only wants to promote the games which make them money


same goes for Most Engaging, i think after a certain amount of time the search page regenerates the games

I see different results on my homepage though, so it’s extremely weird that the front page has a set list.

they changed the algorithm from all the games on roblox, to all the popular games. So it’ll kinda be a “for you” page. Except only promoting the top games. Which is why the results are different. As it’ll only choose from around 50-75 of the top games.

nothing we can do, this is intentional. Roblox did this to promote games which were already popular, roblox gets no benefit from promoting new upcoming games, only the top ones.


Hi thanks for the report and sorry for the late response. I tested this issue on 3 different accounts and seems like the games are different on all 3. Is the issue still there for you?

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Yes, this is still happening as of today.

Check the Games page, not your homepage.

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Thanks for reporting the issue!

Please note that the Recommended for You on Discover page is not fully personalized today i.e., we customize the content based on certain dimensions (eg: age, gender) but it is not personalized per user yet.

We’re continually working to refine and personalize our algorithms, ensuring quality content is easily discoverable. Thank you for your feedback and please let us know if you have further questions or concerns.


Why has it been called ‘Recommended for YOU’ if it’s not personalized?


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