Recreate roblox player list

Hello, as the title said i want to recreate the roblox player script for my game

But here is the problem:
Player list

The player list in the picture works perfectly fine if I run as an “average laptop,” but as soon as I change to another device, the player list gets really messed up. I also used the “AutoScale” plugin to make sure the UI fit (I also add constraint and test but it got even worst).

My question is: does anyone know a good way to recreate the player list? (work for every device)

Sorry if i ask a dumb question, UI is not really my thing


Better if you use the Number the left than a plugin
and make sure you scale the text (if you always want it) example of the left number is
{0.1,0} {0.1,0} and not (0,100} (0,100}
or you can follow the size that Roblox use and that is

or just use my example?
Position : {1, -172},{0, 0}
Size : {0, 156},{0, 48}

Sorry for the late reply.
I understand what you mean, this is how I scale UI
Position: {0.876, 0},{0.007, 0}
Size: {0.122, 0},{1, 0}
but for some reason it doesn’t go as i wanted
But your example is actually really close to the default player list, thanks buddy

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I think my problem is that I put the fake player list (the one that shows the player’s name) inside other frame.