Recreating assets from other games

So, I’ve had this project idea in mind that I wanted to try and execute. I haven’t seen anything else like it and I would like to learn animation and try make it, however I just encountered a problem. So what I was planning to do was sort of like a pvp edit for a game that has a mix of animated scenes in-between some sequences that I would edit to transition into one another, like a cutscene. The problem is that I would need to recreate the PVP maps and my character (the game gives you a different customizable character). Would It be ok to recreate the maps and such for animation purposes and not for game creation purposes? I know there is a lot around using another creator’s assets, models, or maps in other games so I wanted see if its ok for non game purposes or not


Creating animations and cutscenes for personal or non-commercial use, even if they involve recreating assets from an existing game (such as PVP maps and characters), is generally considered acceptable as long as you do not use those animations and assets for any commercial purposes or distribution.

If you want to use is for commercial purposes or distribution, you would have to contact the creator and ask him for permission.