Recreating Real Games

Hey Developers.

I’ve tried looking on the forum for an accurate post on re-creating games (A game such as Minecraft, or GTA) be against the Roblox TOS?

This goes for re-creating the map (Similar architectural style, similar textures, etc)?
Looking forward to hearing some answers.


I think so, most ‘recreations’ of popular games have been taken down, such as Mineverse, many piggy copy games, and more. It’s better to have a unique name and change some of the ingame features.


as long as the name is different and you use your own models and own textures you should be fine


i agree with you, most of the game can get taken down for copy reasons but what you should do is take the idea of the game and make it yours and try avoiding some similar stuff if you get what I mean

let’s take jailbreak and mad city as an example they have the same idea but with different models, texture, sound, and a lot of stuff but sometimes you can see the similarities between these two and the drama as well

like I said just be original make everything in your own unique way and you should be fine

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If you are taking the basic idea from the game but change everything else, I am sure you are able to do that. But if you directly copy the game like Minecraft lets say, the company will highly likely find your game, content delete and maybe sue you for it.

I found that roblox will only CD you if you use the games; textures, sounds, and graphics, and a few other things. If I re-created the map of the game, but used my own textures and stuff would that fall under copyright?

I wouldn’t advise recreating games, it gives ROBLOX a bad image and I doubt a lot of developers of the original product like that. IF you’re going that route, make something inspired by the original game. Creeper Chaos is a good example, it’s inspired by Minecraft but unlike Minecraft instead of building and exploring for fun, you build to survive against hordes of creepers. There was Call of Robloxia Zombies, it was based on Call of Duty zombies but only really was fight hordes of zombies and lacked the story and easter eggs from the original games. And please try and refrain from simulators, this is a personal opinion but they are everywhere.

Basically, in short, don’t copy games. Instead, take inspiration from them, but make something original.

Hey Kylies!

In case you didn’t know Roblox does have to follow the law therefore they do have something on Copyright Guideance I would highly suggest not fully copying a game while yes you may do something like GTA but make it in your own way and ensure you are not doing anything to infringe on any games personal property such as their copyrights, trademarks and Personal Intellectual Property. It may be in your best interest to try and create your own game idea, however; if you truly can’t and want to recreate a game I suggest studying up on the laws of this. If you don’t want to read the full copyright guidance document I want to highlight a few key points.

Do not confuse copyright with trademarking: Trademarking refers to the protection of Logos, Brands, Game Characters extra.

Crediting makes it all better: This is highly incorrect as stated in the document even if you credit and still don’t have permission it does not make it better at all. You will still have the liability for infringement.

I want to end off by saying not at all am I a lawyer, I have simply tried to create my own business and studied some of this stuff and reading documents by Roblox. Same as them I suggest contacting a lawyer if you are serious about going through this because Roblox will not help you at all, they are not liable for your mistake if you end up getting sued, which is the worst-case scenario. Normally it’s just a DMCA take down.

Hopefully, this answers your question!

If you are going to be recreating a famous game onto Roblox, try to make sure that you don’t actually copy the entire game assets of it and mechanics, but infact you can just get the basic concept of the game and just you know, recreate from it

Before creating these types of games, keep these two facts in mind.

  • Intectullal Property Can be Copyrighted
  • Ideas Cannot be Copyrighted.

You should not push either of these boundaries too far, like recreating a minecraft texture into a similar asset. It’s just not right. A block game is an idea, thus cannot be copyrighted. However, I’m not sure how much this goes when it comes to extremely similar game mechanics. I suggest you to attempt to stay in the clear while trying to make these types of games.