Recreating the default SelectionImageObject

Top = Roblox’s version, bottom = my recreation


Today, I spent about an hour recreating the default SelectionImageObject using a variety of resources. To prevent someone else from having to go through what I did, here’s how to create the default SelectionImageObject.


If you don’t want to follow along, you can always hop down to the Download section and pick up an easy copy

Getting the base image

First, you’ll need to get the image from your Roblox folder. On Windows, this will be %localappdata%/Roblox/Versions/{CURRENT_VERSION_HERE}/content/textures/ui/SelectionBox@2x.png.

If you can’t find here’s a directly uploaded copy:

Or alternatively, use my uploaded image:

Set up a button

Next, you’ll need a button to test this out on. For this demo, I’ll create a ScreenGui with a TextButton in it, like this:

Feel free to use any other button, or ideally the one you’re going to want selected!

Here’s what mine looks like:

Add an ImageLabel

Finally, we can just add an ImageLabel and set it’s .Image property to the image we just got:

That doesn’t look quite right, though!


Set the size to 1, 0, 1, 0, the BackgroundTransparency to 1, and it looks a bit better:


To fix this up, we change ScaleType to Slice, set SliceScale to 0.5, and set SliceCenter to 36, 36, 88, 88.


However, we’re not quite done, as the original image sticks out a bit, so we need to do the same.

First, we set AnchorPoint to 0.5, 0.5 and Position to 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0 to center the image. Then, we can increase the size to 1, 13, 1, 13 to add a bit of padding.


The perk of this setup is if you want to make the selection an outline instead of an inline, you can do so by making the size 1, 26, 1, 26 instead.


And that’s it! Looks pretty perfect, because it is!


Here’s the final results:
DefaultSelectionImageObject.rbxl (39.3 KB)


If you have any questions, suggestions, or other inquires feel free to reply below (so others can benefit) or message me directly!

Thanks for reading!


Thank you for this. The default inset selection covers up too much important detail in pretty much all cases.

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