Recreation of a lighting glitch from a year ago

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I am trying to recreate a lighting bug I used a few months ago if not a year, as you can see its really cool and honestly impressive, It was done using future lighting and surface light and needed to be 6k-12k studs from the 0 point.
Capture d’écran 2023-08-07 140107
Capture d’écran 2023-08-09 180652
Capture d’écran 2023-08-09 180810

The bug is still impressive but totally changed, I dont know why it happened at first so I am having difficulties recreating it. Now it looks more like z clipping and while still good looking its not the same. (most of the following were made by doing the bug with a simple face subdivived a few times.)

as of now I tried new different distances, angles, meshes, light tricks but im still nowhere near the original bug. I know its impossible to change the version of studio so im really clueless about the next step.

(also this is my first post please tell me what to do better next time)

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Yeah this happens the most times in old mobiles that already support future lighting :frowning: