[Recruiting] 1 builder 2 scripters

ACT QUICK! If you want to be a part of a brand new studio, join now!! I am a great coordinator, and I can lead you guys to success. No need to doubt me, because I know for sure I can.
About the upcoming team
Hello there… I am coolguyweir, the founder of brand new studio, Reverse Studios.

The Team
@coolguyweir CEO/Builder
This is a brand new studio, so there’s only me for now.
7KNEW - Scripter

About The Job
Builders: You must know how to use roblox studio at a highly advanced level. However, you must also know blender fluently, too. There most likely will be competition for this one and only open spot, so act quick. If you are interested, read on in the “contact me” section.
Scripters: You must have an advanced understanding of programming in roblox studio

When you join, you will not be paid, but get this: You will have a huge share in the profits. Once you know my idea for the game, you will see why I’m assuming there’s going to be a huge profit. Trust me, I know where I’m taking this.

Contact Me
If you would like to be one of the founding members in a large upcoming game, text me over discord
at coolguyweir#9679
or, you can send me an email/hangouts request at mikeyzpeng@gmail.com

Thanks for reading, and I hope you join! Together, we will succeed.:slight_smile:

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