Recruiting for Simulator Project

Hi there! My name is Keisyo and I am a pretty new member to the DevForum. I have however been part of the Roblox community for quite a while now.

Next to being a Roblox developer and player I am also as of recently a Roblox Star Creator. My Youtube Channel has accumulated over 430k subscribers.

  • The Job:
    I am looking for professional builders/modelers, scripters and GUI makers who are willing to help me make a simulator type game.
    I have been working on multiple games myself but due to my Youtube Channel I cannot put as much effort in as I would like to. I still have a vision that I wanted to see come to live though and that’s why I would like to commission one or two of you guys to help me with this task. I will be working on the game myself but need help in fulfilling my vision.
    I expect high quality builds and scripting work. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

  • Payment:
    The payment will be negotiated with you, once we have outlined the game idea and workload. Our preferred payment method is a one-time payment via Paypal or Robux. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for your work and other important details.

  • Contact Me:
    You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at:

Please include your previous work when messaging me as well :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!:slight_smile:


Messaged you on both Twitter and PM on The DevForum.

Just would like some more details and for you to check my portfolio out :slight_smile:

I’m a 3D modeler and Roblox Studio Builder.


What will you be doing for the game?

Are you just going to be managing it?


I am interested in this! astrovibes#8096 and have dm’ed you in twitter.

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I have already made a few assets for the game but realised that I would not be able to do it alone.
That’s why I need help.
But I will be working on the game myself as well :slight_smile:

I’m interested, looks really interesting and fun to work on, sent a Dm.

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I am interested, but also have a few questions. I sent you a DM here on the DevForum.

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I sent you a DM on both the DevForum and Twitter. I’m interested in the UI Designer position :sunglasses:

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Are you still hiring?
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Looks really cool!
I’m interested.

I DMed you on DevForum.

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What an interesting project, I’ve sent u a DM through devforum

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Sent a message to you on Twitter. Im a Builder. :building_construction:

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I am interested. astrovibes#8096


sent a dm on twitter
I’m a builder

add me FloHwaii#2014

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Could you be more specific, what is the simulator revolving around? What do the builders have to build?


I am a scripter and UI Designer. I am interested in your simulator project. If you’re still recruiting, then here’s my contact information:

IGN: Mystic_StarShowers
Discord: Mystic_StarShowers#5360

If you want to see evidence of my previous work then message me on discord. Thank you for your time :slight_smile:


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I’ve sent you a direct message on twitter! :slight_smile:

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I like your job, I send you a message on twitter

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One time payment only? So no % at all?? Unless the one time payment is 5 figures :sweat_smile:

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