Hello people, first of all, I hope you’re having an amazing day today. My name is thephantomtrap. Right now i am working on a JoJo game that i started on during 2020. I had lost all motivation until about a month ago. I have been building and scripting this solo (scripting following tutorials due to my sever lack of knowledge on scripting.) Which is why im looking for people to help me. i have big ambitions for this game.
Doing this alone is quite enduring and time consuming, so I’m looking for people WITH KNOWLEDGE OF JOJOS BIZZARE ADVENTURE to help me in my game. I need scripters, possibly builders and moddelers.
Now you may be thinking, whats the payment? Thats a good question, due to my lack of money currently i’ll be paying very low rates in robux somewhere around 500 robux per asset (Can be negotiated) however, once i earn a bit more money over these next months i will do my best to give my workers better pay.
If that doesn’t float your boat thats completely fine, you do you.
However if it does then message me on here and i’ll arrange things for you.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and i look forward to working with you.
P.S: I will may a discord server and a group for the game very soon