Red not looking Red

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I am making a shop for my simulator, (making a close button)

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

The close button colour does not look like the colour I want it to be

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

Toggling the colours, taking Red from brick and putting it into the UI.

Can anyone Help?

the button looks red in the image, but in studio it doesn’t , looks like orange

Could you show us this button propeties?

Could you send a video because I don’t understand how it’s happening?

I recreated your button as closely as possible with a UIStroke and a UICorner, and it looks pretty red to me. If it’s only orange in studio but not when you screenshot it, it’s probably because the lighting surrounding it is so bright it makes it look orange.

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It may not be your Studio. If it looks orange in Studio but not in the image you sent, then try re-installing it? If it looks orange-like everywhere, it may be your video card.

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Can you show the image of the button when in studio?

I think the problem is in your computer screen as the button in the foto you sent is pretty red

That is the image in studio but as others have said it’s the light, I work right next to a window, the sun almost always shiny on me

Try taking a the photo from your phono’s camera and send it here

This is not an issue anybody can help you with, if it “appears” red only in the screenshot that means it is related to your PC. It could possible be because the night light is on, or there is something wrong with your monitor’s colour settings.

Looks pretty red to me. I don’t see a problem with it.