Reduce circulation friction for UGC Limiteds to boost creator earnings

A big selling point of UGC limiteds for marketplace creators is our 10% revenue split on every resale transaction – as backed up in multiple AMA threads with Roblox leadership :

Currently, it is very challenging for this revenue stream to become meaningful due to how UGC Limiteds have created obstacles that have decreased circulation in the resale market and diminished earning potential

These are currently the holding periods for UGC Limiteds, which means they’re out of circulation during these long windows (meaning there is zero earning potential for creators)

These holding periods effectively bring the resale market to a standstill, preventing any UGC limited from gaining and benefiting from any momentum

On top of these long holding periods, there are large amounts of users that are locked out of reselling limiteds due to the active premium subscription requirement (Listed here in docs)

Both of these factors heavily reduced the circulation of user created limiteds, actively obstructing our opportunity to earn from our creations in the marketplace.

Lifting these restrictions & reducing overall circulation friction in the marketplace would stimulate the UGC limited economy by allowing for more participation while boosting creator earning potential.