Reduce lag from tree mesh's?

So I use a lot of realistic tree meshes, and even when i get near it in studio it lags my screen a lot. I was just curious if there was any way to reduce the lag to these?


If you’re trying to minimize on your computer only, I would recommend turning down the graphics level. But if you’re worried on other player’s computer, try to decimate the mesh.


Try to optimize it, it’s a complicated process if your trees have a lot of triangles and I can’t help you with that but here’s a ton of methods on how to optimize out there. You can’t simply just try to reduce the lag just by lowering the graphics down or removing some of your game’s elements away, it would do very poorly and risky.

I often do large maps and indeed I always have lags, there is no way to fix it except to reduce the complexity of the trees but you will lose details,