Hey developers, I’ve got a bit of an issue. I have a server sided script that detects when a player is near a door, and then slides the door open. This runs fine in studio but not in the actual game. I believe this is because the script is on the server, so the results don’t get back to the client right away, but i’m not sure. I have barely any other scripts running in the whole game, so I don’t think thats causing it. Can anyone help?
Heres my code
local model = script.Parent
local detector = model.DetectionPart
local left = model.Left
local right = model.Right
local leftOutGoal = {}
local rightOutGoal = {}
local leftInGoal = {}
local rightInGoal = {}
leftInGoal.Position = Vector3.new(3435.78, 1653.271, 4287.452)
rightInGoal.Position = Vector3.new(3439.107, 1653.636, 4290.822)
leftOutGoal.Position = Vector3.new(3432.408, 1653.021, 4284.116)
rightOutGoal.Position = Vector3.new(3442.657, 1653.899, 4294.333)
--#Tween Settings
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local slidetime = 0.75
local slidestyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Sine
local slidedirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out
local info = TweenInfo.new(slidetime,slidestyle,slidedirection,0,false,0)
--#Tween Tracks
local leftTrackOut = TS:Create(left,info,leftOutGoal)
local rightTrackOut = TS:Create(right,info,rightOutGoal)
local leftTrackIn = TS:Create(left,info,leftInGoal)
local rightTrackIn = TS:Create(right,info,rightInGoal)
local debounce = true --/Debounce
local function open()
if debounce then
debounce = false
leftTrackOut:Play();rightTrackOut:Play();wait(slidetime + 1)
debounce = true