not sure how to title this, but i have a map thats about 750x750 studs. this map is a forest so its just all trees.
the problem with having a huge amount of trees is lag, i get like 45 fps when playing.
ive decimated my trees down to 3,259 triangles (3,295 faces, 9,821 edges and 9,718 vertices) so i dont think i can make them any more low poly, so any advice on reducing lag somehow?
Change their RenderFidelity to Performance or Automatic, this will automatically decrease the amount of triangles used in your mesh when you move further away.
Make sure you disable unnessecary collison items like CanTouch (you dont need to use a Touched Event for a tree), or CanQuery (if you dont need to fire a ray at a tree).
Disable CastShadow on unnessecary parts, and or very small objects, having it enabled would just be unnessecary.
Try Reducing the amount of Meshes or Parts in the game, if its not needed, remove it, or store somewhere else for later use. If large parts on the map (like maybe a underground tunnel), store it somewhere else util the player gets near the area.
Render the Map on the Client, dont have the Server do it.
SteamingEnabled is the more extreme way of doing it, but its pretty difficult to tune correctly, if enabled you should only ever use it for very far away objects that dont need rendering, as the map isnt that big, you should tune it to what you think would fit best into your game.