ReDZ? Please help me understand this

What is this?? I see this in almost every game I make, and I don’t use free models.
is this an exploit thing?
also comes up with cloud(numbers) EXPLOIT_GUI earlier in the output.

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Go to the View tab in studio, click on “Find All/Replace All” (the little binoculars)

Search up “ReDZ”. You could probably find the source by doing this unless the script is stored online or in a module script on the asset store.

If that doesn’t work, look up “require” and look for anything suspicious.

Also, check your plugins and make sure they are legitimate. Free models aren’t the only sources of viruses, there are also virus plugins.

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Alright thanks. will do this later.

When i click on it it doesnt come up with anything. just a text bit it prints

Hmmm, nothing comes up suspicious in devlibrary


Looking up RedZ, he’s an active player from 2007. There’s also a game called “REDz ADmin”. It’s probably a backdoor, or maybe just a normal admin script that gives the creator perms.

if clicking the log in the output doesn’t lead anywhere, it’s possibly a module script or a local script

like i said, just check for suspicious plugins and scripts in your game. using “Find All/Replace All” will help a ton.

ive removed a ton of plugins that are really old.

I agree with this - It’s likely that somewhere in the admin script (if you are using it), there is a line that makes it try and find ReDZ in players to give him permissions.

I recommend going into the admin script and CTRL+F and searching for ReDZ. This will bring up the line of code that the output list is looking for.

I would just keep searching throughout every corner of your game for anything that could be looking for ReDZ as a player.

I’m not even using an admin script in this game.
It happens in baseplates too

Then it is definitely a plugin. Search your plugins and see if they are legit. Check if the owner is legit. Some plugins are created by “Creator Studio”, which inserts backdoors.

Research your plugins that you are using and find which one is sketchy or not legit. Nobody else can do it for you.

It’s definetly a backdoored plugin.

I looked through your plugins and found exactly what is generating the error. Its this:

Be 100% sure you remove it both from your inventory and from Roblox studio!

I also found another malicious plugin that you have:

You should remove both, from Roblox studio and from your inventory.

They already also might have infected your games so you should check for backdoors on your games by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F and searching for: "getfenv" , "setfenv" , "loadstring" and "require".

Be also sure to disable loadstring.
You should also disable Third Party Sales and Cross Game Teleports from your game settings. And possibly disable HTTP requests from your game settings as well.

Thanks, theres thankfully no things added into my game
I cant remove this plugin :frowning: Smooth Cam - Roblox

And… ReDZ is all gone, bye bye backdoor!

Yep definetely a backdoored exploit.