Hello, I’m Larry. I’m a UI Designer, Programmer and coffee addict. I have been on the roblox platform for about 10 years and started programming in late 2009, I used it as an outlet to express myself for a while and eventually I found myself working with awesome people on amazing projects.
Skate Central (StarMarine614, unroot, yh8, Hlelo_wolrd, mrflimflam) as Lead Developer
Retro Shrimp (StarMarine614, Lineridermasterman, DrKevin)
Star6ix (StarMarine614, TrustMeImRussian, ToadRBLX, ExoGuti, and DrKevin) as a Lead Developer
Ballistic Studios (TrustMeImRussian, Doctr_oof, TactBacon) as Lead Programmer/Co-Founder
Lootbox Interactive (Aaaboy97, Doctr_oof, Chris0matic) as Lead Programmer
Skate Park
Programmed majority of server related stuff. Updaing this later
Gravity Oasis (Egg Hunt 2020 Event)
I was the lead programmer for the Gravity Oasis Easter Event, we were part of the official 2020 Egg Hunt. I programmed and did all the programming for the story event.
Roblox Point 2 (Egg Hunt 2019 Event)
I was the lead programmer for Roblox Point 2, we were part of the official 2019 Egg Hunt. I programmed and did all the networking for the coasters and other features of the park.
Roblox Point - Theme Park [Classic] 🎢 - Roblox
Gravity Oasis
Programmed the entire game.
Theme Park: Gravity Oasis🎢 - Roblox
Operation Metro
I was the lead programmer on Operation Metro, I helped program the UI, 3D world interactions, map effects and main framework. I also programmed the initial weapon framework that was later redone by another great developer. I love this project, the entire team that touched this project is some of the coolest people I’ve met on Roblox. @TrustMeImRussian was an amazing builder and @doctr_oof put in amazing work on the UI.
2018-02-20 00-18-36 GIF | Gfycat
GIF | Gfycat
I handled VR, UI Programming, and map interaction. This is one of my favorite projects and is a great showcase of not only my work but the entire team who worked on it, at the time (and probably still is) this project was really big in the theme park genre. The game was very optimized and with everything going on we were able to get the game to even run smoothly on mobile.
Lunar Valley
I was the lead programmer of Lunar Valley, I did all the UI Design, UI Programming, Map Interaction, and all the internals for the game. (yes, the UI was a rip of GTA and it’s not that impressive. Also, no this isn’t Moon City, it was made by people who have worked on Moon City. Carthay and I)
2018-04-24 16-57-36 GIF | Gfycat
2018-05-07 09-30-30 GIF | Gfycat
2018-08-20 16-49-58 GIF | Gfycat
Roplex VR
Roblox VR Theme Park! (Early Development) - YouTube
IK Rigs
I didn’t really get to far into this, I quit working on this because Roblox VR honestly just isn’t my thing. I hated the VR changes that were made and decided I was not going to waste my time on it.
I have worked on a few plugins here and there.
I was making this just to see if ViewportFrames worked in Plugin Widgets, I figured they would but people asked me to make it into a full plugin to have extra viewports.
https://twitter.com/nil_LRJ/status/1078552671165038592 – it has its own color chosing dialog based on windows
No Limits 2 Coaster Generator
Our builder for Roplex created the splines for the coasters in No Limits 2, so he needed a way to import the spline.
GIF | Gfycat
Blox World FAQ & Contributors
Programmed the coasters.
OLD fps stuff https://twitter.com/TrustMeImRuski/status/963124267926765569
Not offering any services, will update later if I am looking for work or offering services.
You can contact me through the forums, Discord, Roblox or Twitter.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/imrefactor
I know my portfolio is a bit empty right now, I will be expanding it over time. Few years back I went through and removed every single project, asset and games (completed) that I worked on. I wanted my projects look high quality, and play smooth. I will be adding more screenshots, videos and information on the main showcases I’ve displayed. I ran out of time and have to get ready for work