Reflection [BETA]

So after a bit of time I’ve created a unique ROBLOX Game based around a mirror. You have got to use this mirror to complete the course.

After recently showing my project to a friend he informed me that it’s very similar to a game already created by “TheMirrorGameCreator” , And I was probably a bit surprised and didn’t believe it, my idea and creation has already been made. But without thinking about it I carried on to create the game and decided to leave his name in the credits so it didn’t look like I was stealing, which I wasn’t having no clue of the games existence.

Anyways I’ve posted this here to show my creation and ask for feedback, suggestions etc.

Also the game only has 2 Levels as of now which are simple, it’s just a example of what the game will become.
[Reflection [BETA] - Roblox]

This may look like spam but it’s just a edit and another post to ask for people to test the game after a few more levels and other things have been added, aswell as the infectious plugin being removed since I had to move the game.


Fantastic job!

I feel like this red brick should be a killbrick so you’ll OOF when touching it.

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It’s a teleporter since when you die the remains stay on the mirror, but I might remove the reset option! Thanks for testing.

It’s nice, good idea! But make it more difficult. :wink:

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Will do, it’s only a few to test atm.

You already posted this a few days ago, don’t repost.

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It’s an updated post after I added sonme more levels and fixed the bug

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The game gives me huge RDC 2017 vibes where the GameJam was all about mirrors and reflection, and my mate made a game just like yours. Anywho, this is a very good concept and this game has a lot of potential.

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Okay, so I joined you in game. Of course I only went a little bit into the game, but it seems great so far. I don’t have many suggestions at the moment, but do recommend you go play The Mirror Game just for some ideas. (By the way, I don’t have my chat enabled, so I don’t know if you were talking to me or what). Good luck!

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I forgot to mention. Since, I kept joining and rejoining the game, I noticed that the game saves what stage you are on, but doesn’t load you to that position when you rejoin the game. In addition to this, I’m not sure what’s happening here (the avatar) →


Yeah the savine system isn’t complete but tbh I might remove it since I’m adding the difficulty section at spawn.

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