Reflection Script Doesn't always work properly

Hello! I am attempting to create a reflection script that causes a GUI(textlabel) to bounce off the edges of walls using math.clamp .

The gui glides perfectly when i set the direction, but problems occur when I want it to bounce. Sometimes it bounces in the direction expected, but sometimes it doesn’t at all, even gets stuck in corners at times because of this.


function CalculateBounce(currentNormal, normal)
	local reflect = currentNormal - 2*(currentNormal*normal) * normal
	return reflect

I have the equation for this but I may have done something wrong. This is the video of it:

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

sorry, OBS didn’t record the video properly and i did not notice. Hold on ill re do it :frowning:

EDIT: i think my drivers are bad, it won’t capture studio. Maybe its openGL?

The textlabel is probably getting stuck because it is past the wall when it bounces.

When I made something similar, I multiplied the x and y velocities of the textlabel by -1 and then set the position to be on the edge of the wall in case it went past the wall.

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