Refresh button for the Explorer

As a Roblox developer, it annoys me that the explorer is not sorted by alphabet after you edit the place, and for example rename some parts. These parts will stay at their position until you reload the studio file.


Therefore, I want to suggest a refresh button to sort all items by alphabet again. It would be inconvenient to have the explorer refresh all the time, and that is why I think there should be a button to do so.

This would significantly improve my development experience. Reloading the studio file can in some cases take minutes, minutes you could have spent developing.


Yes please! this would streamline developing so much for me…


As someone who also often finds their workspace cluttered with unsorted part names only until you reload the file again, I support this. I reckon it would both save time and allow for easier accessibility whilst you’re developing.


Instead of just a refresh button, I think I would prefer a more defined “Sort by” feature. It could include the option to sort alphabetically, by ClassName, etc. Auto-sorting could be a separate option, sorting automatically using the last selected sort mode.

To update Explorer’s tree (without auto-sorting), you would click the sort mode want to use. If the sort mode was the same you used previously it would essentially act as the refresh button you proposed.


Second this! Really annoying to have to relaunch to see what’s organized vs what’s not

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As a quick dirty fix for this, just delete the parent, unless it’s a service in which case select all the unsorted children and delete them, then press ctrl + z to undo, that will sort them alphabetically again.