Regarding Roblox's moderation censoring WW2 German propaganda

I’m attempting to make a Roblox game for historical purposes similar to Blood & Iron where you have two teams with rounds, etc. But since this will take place during WW2 I need to have a German team, will this get by moderation? There’s already a flag in the toolbox that has the iron cross in the flag. Not censored or anything, so will this be censored or will I be safe? How can I change this so it will not be censored/moderated, and is it too similar to the swastika armband?


I don’t want this project to die because of Roblox censorship.


It would probably taken down so use an alternate Geman flag that does not have it.

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But it’s not a swastika, Roblox does not support any form of Neo-Nazism or Nazism itself, they do however allow the Iron Cross, which this is the Iron Cross, not the swastika.

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The armband literally has exactly the same layout and color scheme as a certain flag. Because of the clear resemblance I think it’s obvious it would pose a risk of moderation.

I recommend changing everything about the design to be rid of all similarity with the flag. Your game can still be historically accurate without risking moderation over a small armband.


Using the Iron Cross in your game shouldn’t be a problem, but I think the red armband regardless of what symbol is on it would get moderated. The Iron Cross was a German symbol for centuries before the reign of the Nazis, however the red armband is directly associated with the party.


Oh, should I make it black? That would look better tbh. And would be lesser at risk of moderation I would assume.


Black would be safer probably. If I was doing it, I wouldn’t do armbands at all but everyone has different risk tolerance.


What I would do is to just give them other clothing, without sensitive flags.
And use Teams with distinctive colors to differentiate them. Having their names in red and blue should be enough difference.

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Just use the German Empire flag from WW1 lots of people who make WW2 games use it.


Something I was told by support was, if you put an image in the bottom left or right corner (I dont remember which) it will bypass the autocheck to my knowledge. It worked for me, use a texture then.

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Pretty sure armbands aren’t allowed. According to the Roblox Community Rules, which can be found here, “The Roblox Moderation Team will block inappropriate content within these rules. … Avatar clothing associated with discriminatory groups (e.g. Swastika arm bands).” The safest bet in my opinion would be to forgo armbands entirely and find a different way to determine between teams.

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Thanks for the info. I will not continue further with this model.

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the Clear Skies over Milwaukee RP game has people wearing the Nazi logo in it.

Any armbands are automatically taken down. Use something else, ig.

How are they not banned? Did it bypass the filter or something?

I literally don’t know, the game has been up for a while

The symbol appears to be made out of parts however instead of a moderated decal