Regenerate Soccer Ball If It Leaves An Area

Hello, so I have been wondering for the past few days if it’s possible there’s a script that will make a soccer ball regenerate if it leaves a certain area?

What I want to achieve:

A regenerating system that will respawn my soccer ball if it leaves a certain area.

If there is a script for it, please leave it in the replies! Thanks in advance! -@ItsKoolPlayz

You can set up a barrier of Parts surrounded what you wish to be the barrier and make a script so that where the ball touches the Part it’ll CFrame it back to a specific area, if you wish for me to script you one I can do so.

I would love if you could, I don’t know how to script…

Ah, I shall script one for you rn, I’ll reply back as soon as I am done.

Ok! Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

Question: Is the ball a tool placed inside the backpack of the player? Or is it a standalone part without any primarypart (Meaning it isn’t placed inside a player, folder, just the Service such as Workspace or ReplicatedStorage etc)

Its just in workspace sitting there (kickable)

This good?

Yes, actually exactly what I need!

Let me send you the file and should be good! If you’ve any problems you can ask me

Ok, thank you so much! Have a fantastic Evening/Day!

foryou.rbxl (29.3 KB)

And for you aswell my friend, if you would be so kindly aswell to give this comment a like and solution would help me extremely, however you too have a nice day/evening.


One more question, should I rename the parts because I already have multiple parts in my game. Or would it be fine as is?

Let me rescript it for you real quick to make it easier for you.

Ok, thanks! That would be fantastic if you could maybe just add descriptions for what stuff does!

foryou.rbxl (30.2 KB)

There you go, I’ve instructions and such inside the script, please follow them carefully.

Ok, thanks so much again, you have been a huge help! <3

Np man, have a nice rest of your day.

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