RegExplorer - a free tool to test string patterns


so what exactly is RegExplorer? why does it have regex in it? well, im glad you asked. RegExplorer is a free tool to test string patterns at your command. and for the name, “regexplorer”, i just want it to sound cool.

This plugin currently only has the main feature, which is for testing patterns, (duh). but more will come! you can post your ideas here and I might add it!

its worth noting that this plugin is heavily inspired by


lore. you might ask “why did you make this plugin!!!”. it all started when i was developing a plugin called “RoIntellisense” (which is sadly has been discontinued), i had to deal with a lot of string patterns, like a lot. and i was testing string patterns in the command bar, and then the lore began…



  1. Click on “Launch RegExplorer”
  2. Paste/type your pattern in the pattern textbox
  3. Insert your “sample” in the sample textbox to get all the matches

(colored text indicates a match)


No way! :scream: This plugin saved my time! I dont have to waste 69420 morbillion hours just to test string patterns in traditional way!! :+1: Very good plugin and highly recommend it :smile:

i actually like this plugin

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This plugin is good! But, it seems to break whenever you enter a % symbol.


Also, do you really need Fusion for a simple plugin like this? :thinking:

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Yes, there are a lot more bugs in the tester function which ill hopefully have a fix for, though I am recently more inactive as exams are coming up

I used fusion just for the ease of applying reactive ui and managing events easily which i find easier than my old controller modules approach

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I can’t reproduce the error in the picture but I did get a malformed pattern (ends with '%'). I don’t really know if its because of me fiddling around with the source code earlier but I need some more details to verify that its gone before I release this into production

I released a patch which fixes a bug regarding <> with rich text and hopefully fixes the % problem as well